Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Following the Dream - One Year In

I'm getting to the point when I'm starting to see the reminders on Facebook of me taking my first steps towards starting my business. It took a series of events for me to even consider what I'm now doing, but in retrospect it was one of the best decisions of my life.

It started out in my third year of university, a friend of mine wanted to start training Muay Thai. We loved it. We picked up more martial arts classes where we could, it got to the point we were training different martial arts 4 or 5 times a week. I had trained some martial arts previously but I'd always dropped off. The major factor was probably that friends could no longer come to training with me and I lacked the confidence to go alone.

The same thing happened this time. To be fair to him, we were training a lot, and he had a girlfriend. The training/life balance is a factor I consider very important. If the scales tip too much in one direction the other can suffer. The difference for me this time was that my confidence was better, I was working with good coaches that kept me motivated and I was researching (and seeing the results) if dieting. I made an incredible weight loss that year. So much so, that when I mentioned my training/dieting to one of my lecturers he said; "oh that's good, I didn't want to mention anything in case you were ill", which I'll take as a compliment.

Through my goal for weight loss I found a real passion for martial arts. I trained as many styles as I could with the best coaches I could find. I came along quickly and developed an interesting mix of styles. When you see techniques from different arts, taught in different ways you see the reasons, benefits and mechanics around it. I think that's an important aspect of coaching, recognising the benefits of different arts and using what works best for you, or for your clients. The same can be said for other training methods. When I was on this 'weight loss journey' I built a small home gym in my parents garage. Similarly to the martial arts training I played about with different techniques, attended various fitness classes with good coaches and practised different training styles. I had previously attained my L2 Fitness Instructor Certificate to aid my own training, so I knew the basics about fitness training.

My studies were research based so I was expecting to get a job as a writer of some description. Go in to some post-grad job and work in an office for the rest of my life. I took some time out after my masters to go live (and work) in New Zealand. I spent six months there, it built my confidence again. I worked my first 'real' full time job,  I started training in competitive martial arts at an MMA gym and took my first two full contact fights.

When I came home I was determined to get a job quickly. I applied for all sorts of jobs, all over the country. I didn't have much luck. I had a light bulb moment when I was applying for a social media manager for a curtains and blinds company. You had to right a short essay on why you would fit the post. I was writing about my love for curtains and blinds when I thought to myself, 'I don't love curtains and blinds'. I re-wrote my cv to fit my fitness portfolio and started hammering out the cvs to local gyms, councils, anyone who had an email address.

I was invited to an interview for Tees Active, the first part was a practical, I had to take someone through a workout. I went to set off for my interview and my car wouldn't start. I'd left the lights on overnight and the battery was drained. I tried to bump start it pushing it up and down my street but couldn't get it running. I called my friend for a lift and made it there in time (just). I smashed the interview, I found that they are much easier if it's something you actually love doing. I was invited back to a sit-down interview and offered a 0-hour contract position.

I worked at Tees Active while I did my Personal Training L3 Certificate. I didn't take clients at their gyms but I took clients in my free time, coaching fitness and martial arts. At work they didn't really understand my drive. I wasn't there to work sales but I went above and beyond for the members. I loved the gyms and the members, but I had a real issue with the Managers. I used to think to myself, I wonder how much better this place could be if the people at the top actually had passion for this. Rather than just grinding out the sales.

After leaving Tees Active I started preparations for my own business. I was really nervous about it. I invested the money I had saved (which wasn't much) and started putting things in motion. My girlfriend had started working in Xercise 4 Less in Darlington so I went over to see it. I thought it might work well as I was training (and occasionally teaching) in Darlington. I reserved a position to PT out of there, on a self employed basis. I then looked for some advice and was recommended to visit 5 Lamps to get business advice and the helped fund me for some kit.

I had developed my home gym and it was a lot smarter than it had been years previously. I thought that I might run sessions there too, as well as over Darlington. My clients started trickling in, slowly at first. This was understandable, they want to be able to see what you can do, they want to know that you're good. My confidence wasn't great at first, I hadn't really dealt with paying clients, I was encountering different problems and had to find the solutions.

I was living on the bare minimum, investing every penny into the business. I worked hard, it was intense and 24/7. I found it very hard to switch off, and I still do. When I wasn't working I was researching, marketing and (still) training. For the first 6 months I was working with under 10 clients. Then I started getting results, I started getting recommended. I've seen some amazing changes in people, not just physically. Confidence change is the most noticeable. Both physical, and mental changes take some time. It's the most rewarding part of this business. I've seen my client base grow to over 30 active clients.

I feel that my relative success, so far, has come down to the fact that it's my passion. My clients see it. I keep my sessions fun (when possible) and try to make everyone laugh all the way through (it's great for the abs). I'm glad I suffered through the difficult times, the long hours and tight budget. It's allowed me to grow as a professional, a business and as a person. Now my biggest worry is going on holiday for a week, need to keep my guys motivated while I'm gone!